Data Visualization

Code for Quiz 9

  1. Load the R packages we will use.
  1. Quiz questions

Question: e_charts-1

Create a bar chart that shows the average hours Americans spend on five activities by year. Use the timeline argument to create an animation that will animate through the years.


Start with spend_time

spend_time  <- read_csv("")
spend_time  %>% 
  group_by(year)  %>% 
  e_charts(x =activity , timeline = TRUE) %>% 
  e_timeline_opts(autoPlay = TRUE)  %>% 
  e_bar(serie = avg_hours)  %>% 
  e_title(text ='Average hours Americans spend per day on each activity')  %>% 
  e_legend(show = FALSE )  

Question: echarts-2

Create a line chart for the activities that American spend time on.

Start with spend_time

spend_time  %>%
  mutate(year = paste(year, "12","31", sep = "-"))  %>% 
  mutate (year = lubridate::ymd(year))  %>% 
  group_by(activity)  %>%
  e_charts(x  = year)  %>% 
  e_line(serie = avg_hours)  %>% 
  e_tooltip()  %>% 
  e_title(text = 'Average hours Americans spend per day on each activity')  %>% 
  e_legend(top = 40) 

Question-modify slide 82

ggplot(spend_time, aes(x = year, y = avg_hours, color = activity,)) +
geom_point() +
geom_mark_ellipse(aes(filter = activity == "leisure/sports", 
description= "Americans spend on average more time each day on leisure/sports than the other activities"))

Question: tidyquant

Modify the tidyquant example in the video

Retrieve stock price for Microsoft, ticker: MSFT, using tq_get - from 2019-08-01 to 2020-07-28 - assign output to df

df  <-tq_get("MSFT", get = "stock.prices", 
          from = "2019-08-01", to = "2020-07-28" )

Create a plot with the df data

ggplot(df, aes(x = date, y = close)) +
  geom_line() +
    filter  = date == "2019-12-31",
    description = "The first recorded U.S. case of the new virus is reported"
  ), fill  = "yellow",) +
   filter  = date == "2020-06-30",
    description = "U.S. has 126,140 total deaths, 2.59 million confirmed cases, and 30 million tests completed."
  ), color = "red", ) +
    title = "Microsoft",
    x = NULL,
    y = "Closing price per share",
    caption = "Source:"

Save the previous plot to preview.png and add to the yaml chunk at the top

ggsave(filename = "preview.png", 
       path = here::here("_posts", "2022-04-05-data-visualization"))